The Father on Display: The House of Jean Monnet and the Construction of European Identity


  • Christoffer Kølvraa Institute of Culture and Society, Aarhus University, Denmark



European Identity, Jean Monnet, Museums, Myth


In the 1980s, the EC engaged in trying actively to construct a European identity, primarily through a ’manufacturing of symbols’, such as a common flag, hymn and day of celebration. A lesser-known element of this symbolic construction was the elevation of the recently deceased Jean Monnet to a position as the undisputed ’founding father’ of Europe. The ’sanctification’ of Monnet culminated in the con-version of his house – purchased by the European Parliament – into a museum of his deeds and of the European project that they served. This article seeks to analyse the construction of Monnet as a founding father for Europé, first by investi-gating the context of the acquisition of his house and the establishment of the mu-seum in the 1980s, and subsequently by analysing the present exhibition in it.


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How to Cite

Kølvraa, C. (2013) “The Father on Display: The House of Jean Monnet and the Construction of European Identity”, Culture Unbound, 4(4), pp. 747–765. doi: 10.3384/cu.2000.1525.124747.