Cultural Studies and Sociology of Culture in Germany: Relations and Interrelations
Sociology of Culture, Kulturwissenschaft, Geisteswissenschaft, Media and Cul-tural Studies, Inter- and TransdisciplinarityAbstract
Over the last three decades, attitudes towards cultural studies in Germany have developed within contexts of contact and conflict with a variety of disciplines, e.g. ethnology, anthropology, sociology, as well as the sociology of culture, liter-ary studies and Kulturwissenschaft(en). On the one hand there is a strong academic interest in how cultural studies perceives and analyzes media culture, popular culture and everyday life. On the other hand boundaries with humanities and social science remain, which leads to criticism and conflicts with cultural studies and its achievements.
I will discuss some of the problems concerning the perception and reception of cultural studies among representatives of Kulturwissenschaft(en) and sociology of culture. Furthermore I will draw on the role of cultural studies in thematizing cultural change and conflicts, and its ability to do so in a way that shows the importance of culture and politics.
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