Blogging Family-like Relations when Visiting Theme and Amusement Parks: The Use of Children in Displays Online


  • Anne-Li Lindgren Child Studies, Linköping University/Child- and Youth Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden
  • Anna Sparrman Department of Thematic Studies, Child Studies, Linköping University, Sweden



Family-like relations, blog posts, visualized child-centredness, online displays, theme and amusement parks


This paper combines sociological perspectives on family display, internet studies on family and private photography and a child studies perspective on the display of children. The paper proposes that blogging practices related to visits to theme and amusement parks in Sweden provide a new arena for people to display family-like relationships. In the different displays, adults mainly use pictures of children in the blogs to demonstrate their ability to perform family-like relationships. The paper suggests that this form of child-centred display, a visualized child-centredness, done during the park visit as well as in the blogging, is part of the construction of contemporary childhoods and what it means to be a child today and has not been theorized in earlier research on the display of family-like relations.


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How to Cite

Lindgren, A.-L. and Sparrman, A. (2014) “Blogging Family-like Relations when Visiting Theme and Amusement Parks: The Use of Children in Displays Online”, Culture Unbound, 6(5), pp. 997–1013. doi: 10.3384/cu.2000.1525.146997.



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