If the Borders Could Tell: The Hybrid Identity of the Border in the Karelian Borderland
Border, identity, hybrid, reflective knowledge, private knowledgeAbstract
This paper analyses the nature of the border. The paper poses the question of whether a border, in this case the national border between Finland and Russia in the Finnish Karelian border region, can have its own distinctive identity[ies], and if so, could the border itself be or become a hybrid – a border subject. To examine the hybridization process of the border, this paper draws on individual experiences of the border that are illustrated using interview material. In addition, by analysing historical documents, literature and historiography, the paper shows how the border has affected people’s relationship with the border itself and also their perception of regional landscapes, regional memories and identity. On the other hand, this process can be reversed by exploring how people have changed and embodied the border. The paper utilises the framework of John Perry’s theory of “reflective knowledge”, where both conscious experience and the knowledge it yields differ from physical knowledge that is explicitly characterized in terms of empirical facts. Exploring these relationships enhances our understanding of the role of “private knowledge” and its contribution to the understanding of borders.
Research materials
Research materials include personal comments from and interviews of the following anonymized informants:
Aili, 2013, pers.comm., 20 August
Eeva, 2013, pers. Comm., 6 August
Enni, 2013, pers.comm., 6 August
Frank, 2013, pers.comm., May 27
Heikki, 2013, pers.comm., 23 August
Kaisa, 2013, pers.comm., 26 August
Liisa, 2013, pers.comm., May 25
Pekka, 2013, pers.comm., 20 August
Pirkko, 2013, pers.comm., 6 August
Tauno, 2013, pers.comm., 22 August and 2014, 13 October.
The material is in author’s possession.
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