Remaking the People’s Park: Heritage Renewal Troubled by Past Political Struggles?


  • Johan Pries Department of Urban and Rural Development at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala
  • Erik Jönsson Department of Social and Economic Geography at Uppsala University



Urban planning, cultural heritage, socio-material landscapes, Malmö, People’s Parks, urban politics, political movements, historical geography


This article explores how a series of heritage-driven renewal plans in the Swedish city Malmö dealt with a landscape deeply shaped by radical politics: Malmö People’s Park (Folkets Park). Arguing against notions of heritage where the past is essentially considered a malleable resource for present commercial or political concerns, we scrutinise plans for the People’s Park from the 1980s onward to emphasise how even within renewal attempts built on seemingly uncontroversial nostalgic readings of the park’s past, tensions proved impossible to keep at bay. This had profound effects on the studied development process.

Established by the city’s social-democratic labour movement in 1891, the People’s Park is both enmeshed with historical narratives, and full of material artefacts left by a century when the Social Democrats had a decisive presence in the city. As municipal planners and politicians targeted this piece of land, the tensions they had to navigate included not only what present ideas to bring to bear on the making of heritage, but also how to deal with past politics and the park as a material landscape. Our findings point to how the kinds of labour politics that had faded for decades became impossible to dismiss in urban renewal. Both political representations and de-politicising nostalgic representations of Malmö People’s Park’s past provoked (often unexpected) resistance undoing planning visions.

Author Biographies

Johan Pries, Department of Urban and Rural Development at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala

Johan Pries is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Urban and Rural Development at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala. His research focuses on urban planning as a mode of government and the relationship between neoliberalism and social government, as well as the translocal links of radical movements.

Erik Jönsson, Department of Social and Economic Geography at Uppsala University

Erik Jönsson is a senior lecturer at the Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala, and a researcher at the Department of Human Geography, Lund University. His research combines political ecology and landscape geography in studies of radically transformed landscapes, tracing the deeply political role of future visions in urban and rural planning.


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How to Cite

Pries, J. and Jönsson, E. (2019) “Remaking the People’s Park: Heritage Renewal Troubled by Past Political Struggles?”, Culture Unbound, 11(1), pp. 78–103. doi: 10.3384/cu.2000.1525.201911178.



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